Understanding and enhancing approaches to quality Improvement in small and medium sized private facilities in Sub-Saharan Africa

Principal Investigator: Gemini Mtei

Project leader/ Coordinator: Christina makungu

Project Administrator: Mery Irema

Funding Partner: London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) Medical Research Council (MRC)

Start date: Jan. 1, 2016

End date: Dec. 31, 2019

Understanding and enhancing approaches to quality Improvement in small and medium sized private facilities in Sub-Saharan Africa

Understanding and enhancing approaches to quality Improvement in small and medium sized private facilities in Sub-Saharan Africa

This is evaluation study that IHI is conducting in collaboration with London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. The research takes place in the context of an innovative intervention developed by international NGO PharmAcess that extends the benefits of clinical standards and stepwise certification to small and medium- sized facilities in LMIC, using standards developed with international accreditation bodies.

The PharmAcess model seeks to improve the quality of care and finance markets and policy environment. There are several components to the model. Health facilities are assessed on a set of ‘Safe Care’ structural quality standards, trained on quality improvement and business skills, and assisted in the development of quality and business improvement plan.

The evaluation will be a randomised controlled trial to evaluate prospectively the impact on quality of care of the roll out of the PharmAccess model to additional private for non-profit and faith –based facilities in Tanzania.#