Engaging local shopkeepers for last-mile delivery of essential medical supplies in hard-to-reach areas

Principal Investigator: Zawadi Mageni Mboma

Project leader/ Coordinator: Zawadi Mageni Mboma

Project Administrator: Felix Brown

Funding Partner: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Start date: Nov. 1, 2017

End date: Nov. 30, 2019

Engaging local shopkeepers for last-mile delivery of essential medical supplies in hard-to-reach areas

Engaging local shopkeepers for last-mile delivery of essential medical supplies in hard-to-reach areas

To demonstrate the potential of using local shopkeepers to deliver essential medical supplies in hard-to-reach health centres. To achieve this we will pursue the following specific objectives and activities.


1: Asses the last point of delivery by the Medical Stored Department where stock is delayed before delivery to remotely located health centers We shall coordinate with the Medical Stores Department (MSD) to identify logistically challenging districts for regular last-mile delivery to village health centers. We shall then identify MSD’s last point of delivery and local shopkeeper’s respective pick-up points. Obje

2: Update map of health centres and inventory of medical supplies respectively A simple web-based Geographic Information System (GIS) based database such as OpenMapKit will be used to facilitate the mapping of health centres within the identified district. An inventory of medical supplies for each enrolled health center will be established and embedded in the GIS database.#