Prof. Susan Elliot

Prof. Susan Elliot

Board Member

Board Member

Prof. Susan Elliot is a clinician specialized in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases working with the Chronic Diseases Clinic of Ifakara within the Interventions and Clinical Trials Department at IHI since 2015. She has a longstanding record in clinical medicine (MD) and clinical research in the field of infections. Her research focuses on infections in immunocompromised hosts, people living with HIV and AIDS and Tuberculosis as well as comorbidities in HIV-infected patients. She is a member of the Kilombero and Ulanga Antiretroviral Cohort (KIULARCO) and of the Swiss Transplant Cohort Study (STCS). She is a lecturer at the University of Basel, Switzerland teaching on infectious diseases.

Prof. Susan Elliot has graduated in medicine at the University of Basel Switzerland. She has specialized in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases and has worked in different hospitals in Switzerland from 1994 onwards. In recent year, she has mostly worked at the University Hospital Basel, where she is as a senior consultant and leads the ID consultation service. In 2015 she has joined the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute and the ARCAD. Since 2019 she is a Professor for Infectious Diseases at the University Basel.

From 2010-2015 Prof. Weisser was leading the Infectious Diseases Consultation Service at the University Hospital Basel. In August 2015 she moved to Tanzania and heading the Chronic Diseases Clinic of Ifakara within St. Francis Referral Hospital form 2016-17, supervising young doctors and researchers in close collaboration with the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute. From 2016 to 2017, she was the deputy head of the Department of Intervention and Clinical Trials at the ARCAD.

Since 2020, she is leading the Infectious Diseases Consultation Service at the University of Basel and is part-time based in Ifakara to support the CDCI as the Clinical Research Coordinator of KIULARCO and other clinical studies. Her research in Ifakara focuses on clinical care in patients with HIV, TB and comorbidities.#